History.Hope Lutheran Church was founded in Frankfort KY in 1965 and has been located at the current site since 1970. Our building is beautifully situated atop a hill overlooking Hwy. 60 and includes space for worship, fellowship, and learning. Hope is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest body of Lutherans in the U.S.
Hope Lutheran is one of nearly 300 congregations of the Indiana-Kentucky synod of the ELCA. Their website is linked here: iksynod.org/. Together with our brothers and sisters, Hope supports Frankfort social ministries, the Food Pantry, seminary, Lutheran outdoor ministry, hospitals, missionaries, and vital work around the world. Hope is the only ELCA Lutheran church within a three-county area, but yet a congregation where each person is important to the life and ministry of the parish. We work together and volunteer time and resources to the greater work of God in our midst. In 2023, Hope Lutheran, Frankfort; and Gethsemane Lutheran, Lexington; both entered into a shared ministry covenant where Pastor Jerri serves half-time at Hope and half-time at Gethsemane. Since that time, the congregations have provided various shared ministry events to the congregations and communities, to the glory of God. |
Online WorshipPlease click into our Facebook link or go to YouTube for current online worship resources:
Pastor’s Newsletter Article June 2024
OpportunitiesZoom livestream and published on Facebook later in the week. Other Opportunities: Altar Guild Worship & Music Committee Property Committee Stewardship & Finance Team Community Ministry Team Social Nourishment Team Catechism Class Bible Study by Ajitha |